Yeah, I mean as long as your not running as a relay.On the Tor bundle - not the browser bundle but the vidalia bundle, they for the longest time had the default to not be a relay, then they changed it to be a relay, but no exit. Then they changed it to be a relay with exit by default. Now I think it's back to the default not being a relay again. Sigh.Tor needs people to run as relays for the system to work. For the system to work, those folks running the relays should NOT also be people who need to take advantage of Tor in general usage.For folks here, the best bet is still the Tor Browser Bundle. Extract it, use it, no install or config required. When an update comes out, you're notified on the first screen it defaults to loading. Simple and foolproof.I've been messing with Tor since it came out about 7 years ago, and the quickest way to end up giving out info about your browsing habits with it is to fuck about with things you don't understand. Unless you've read the specs, the implementation docs, and follow the dev mailing lists and release blog daily, you should never fuck about with any of the settings or features.